The project
BNP Paribas Personal Finance, through its commercial brand Cetelem, is a specialist in consumer credit, personal loans and card management. It is a financial partner of important consumer goods distribution companies and car dealerships and, in addition, a benchmark for market analysis thanks to the Cetelem Observatory studies. BNP Paribas Personal Finance has more than 22,000 employees serving 25 million clients in 33 countries on four continents.
The main objective of the Digital Banking program (which consists of seven IT projects) is to enable the contracting of asset and liability products from the BNP Paribas Personal Finance entity itself (without looking for accounts of external entities where to domicile the receipts of asset products).
The main goals of the program are the following:
• Increase the profitability of retail customers in the market (Strategic impulse).
• Evolve to liability activities in retail banking, improve your own banking experience and lay the foundations for the next BNP Paribas Personal Finance Digital Banking.
• Increase the ability to transform B2B customers into B2C and retain existing B2C customers as well as optimize cross-selling capacity.
• Expand the BNP Personal Finance business model with the launch of a Digital Banking backed by its strong positioning in credit, the legitimacy of its brand, the broad base of clients and partners, as well as the solid flow of its distribution channels.
Controlling and measure the progress of the Program
Dynamizing and provide transparency to associated projects
Implementing and Manage the IT PMO in the Digital Banking Program

The solution
To address this project and to be able to monitor and control the Digital Banking Program, it was decided to implement the IT PMO figure with the aim of establishing the Project Management Office (PMO) within the IT area in the Digital Banking Program.
The role of the IT PMO is fundamentally to train, advise and provide management tools to the teams that make up the Digital Banking Program, ensuring its transparency and success.
This allows the deployment of indicators, metrics and reports in each project that contribute to transferring the status to the Management and the work teams.
For this, four main lines of work have been proposed:
Interlocution with Project Management-Heads
• Role of coordinator of IT heads of project program, portfolio and Senior Management.
Management of the Digital Banking program
• Risk management and IT problems
• Analysis of dependencies on other projects and HR management
• Budget control and management
• Metrics and indicators of the evolution of the project in all areas
Coordination Methodological Deliverables
• Guarantee that all the documentation of the project life cycle is delivered in terms and forms in accordance with the templates and requirements defined by the company.
Governance Model
• Organization and support of the different follow-up meetings with Senior Management, Management of the project areas, Technical Project Team and Suppliers.
In each of these sections, the IT PMO contributed the following points to the Digital Banking program that optimized the implementation of the IT project office:
• Expertise to Management in Management of Large Digital Transformation projects
• Control of the document manager of all the steerings and committees that make up the governance of the program
• Preparation and coordination of presentations for all hierarchical levels
• Monitoring of the different workstreams of the project, dates, milestones and mitigating plans
• Optimization of monitoring reports and metrics to add value to the information
• Control of expenses incurred monthly against initial estimates of the budget
• Promotion of communication between teams
The result
We can synthesize the benefits of the project based on four typologies:
• Objectivity and data quality
Objective measurement and monitoring criteria accepted by the program team have been defined.
• Methodological
Implement new work methodologies in accordance with the objectives and values of the organization and management.
• Management tools
Establish the use of project management tools (Project) and standardized data templates.
• Streamline decision-making
Promote the closing of crucial decisions by senior management, essential for the continuity of the Digital Banking program.
• Perception of PMO as an added value and not as a threat.