The keys on how technology has reactivated the real estate sector
Technology and the Internet have represented a real revolution for all sectors of the economy, including of course the real estate sector.
The real estate sector, undoubtedly the most hit by the crisis since 2007, is emerging with great force as one of the pillars of the Spanish economy, but with a great difference, and that its actors have undergone a great revolution and change resembling little to those of a few years ago.
The current collaborative economy supported by the Internet, which eliminates intermediaries in commercial transactions, is acting strongly in various sectors including the real estate sector.
Proptech (Big Data's term, crowdfunding, collaborative economics, virtual reality, augmented reality, and so on) is radically changing the real estate market.

Do you want to know the main keys that explain how technology and Proptech have acted as engines in the reactivation of the Real Estate sector?