Document Management Platform for the Health Sector
They already trust Xedoc

to manage
docs x day18M.
nominal usersCharacteristics
Electronic Custody
- It guarantees the integrity, authenticity, traceability and long-term preservation of the documentation.
- Complies with the national interoperability scheme (ENI).
- Compatibility with electronic signature.
- It incorporates time stamping, signature verification and resealing mechanisms.

- Integration services layer for third-party applications.
- Interoperable layer compatible with HL7 and IHE's XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing) and XCA (Cross-Community Access) profiles for sharing in healthcare settings.
- ENI interface (National Interoperability Scheme) for exchange between public administrations.
- HL7 (Health Level Seven) interface.
- IHE XDS (Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing) and XCA (Cross-Community Access) profiles.
- Integration with the System of Import, Export and Dicomization of Clinical Objects (SIEDOC).
- Migration framework of current warehouses and integration with the signature platform of the Galician Health Service (FIRMA).
Semantic Analysis
- Can be trained to propose encodings.
- Facilitates semantic search.
- It can be enriched with specific ontologies (pharmacy, pathologies ...).

Scalability and adaptability
Scalability and adaptability thanks to its modular design that allows it to adapt to the needs of each client.
Improved efficiency
Cost savings and safety
Guarantee of access to information
Thanks to the 4 types of interfaces that make the solution completely interoperable.
Facilitator of a new paradigm in healthcare organizations
Documents are no longer static objects, and their possibilities are made more dynamic thanks to the semantic analysis module.