Izertis member of the board of directors of the IT sector area of AMETIC
Izertis has been named member of the board of directors of the sector of Information Technology of AMETIC, the main association of companies in the technological field at national level.

AMETIC is the Association of Companies of Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content, which leads the national business interests of a hyper-sector as diverse as dynamic, the most innovative -since it concentrates 30% of private investment In I+D- and the one that has greater capacity of growth in the Spanish economy.
At the Board held last May 31, 2017 in Madrid, Izertis has been selected and appointed Member of the Board of Directors of the Information Technology Mean Area of AMETIC, sharing representation with companies such as Microsoft, Deloitte, PwC, Tecnocom, GMV, Esri or Seresco. At the moment the presidency of this area is held by Antonio de Lucas (TECNOCOM), and the vice-presidency by Gabriel López (MICROSOFT) and Alfonso Rubio (ESRI) respectively.
Currently AMETIC is structured in five mean areas. Each of these mean areas is governed by its own board, which allows it to achieve greater efficiency in the analysis, management and solution of the specific problems of each area:
- Information technology
- Electronic Industry
- Consumer electronics
- Digtal Services and Content
- Operators
The Information Technology Mean Area, of which Izertis is a member of the Board of Directors, is made up of all the associates who carry out their activity in this field, and defines its main objective as: "to promote the Information Technology sector to the society, identify the needs and proposals of the IT sector for market growth, Influence the Administration in policies, regulations, development actions, etc., in the field of IT, position AMETIC/ASTI as a reference of Information Technologies in the Spanish context, as well as represent the Spanish IT sector in the international context".
Information Technology is a key element in the modernization of the production system and its influence is fundamental in the efficiency and productivity of other sectors of economic activity.