Izertis is awarded the management and coordination of technological infrastructures of the Xunta de Galicia
Our company has won the tender to provide technical support to the management and coordination of common technological infrastructures of the Xunta, through the Agency for the Technological Modernization of Galicia (Amtega). This service will be managed from the Support Office, created as a technical complement to the job leading, coordination and management of the Direction of the Infrastructure and Security Area of the Amtega, and the tasks that it develops.
Among the objectives and functions exercised by this support entity, digital strategic functionalities for the autonomous community stand out, such as the monitoring of the execution of the Plan for the continuity of infrastructure services of the Digital Administration, the coordination of actions and projects between different departments of the Infrastructure area, the promotion of the use of tools based on DevOps, the cost analysis of the projects or the preparation of reports regarding them.
Our firm is one of the Spanish multinationals recognized for being a specialist in the implementation, development and maintenance of this type of service. Specifically, it works for public administrations with high security and a large volume of functions, such as the European Defence Agency, the Community of Madrid or the Government of Cantabria.
The duration of the contract will cover two years, with the option of renewing another two from the signing of the contract. To carry out this tender, three different phases have been established. First, the constitution of the Support Office with which it will be possible to establish the frame of reference and the initial diagnosis. This is followed by the operation, a stage in which the follow-up, monitoring and coordination of the service will begin. And finally, the closure, to ensure the availability of information and the proper transfer of knowledge.
In addition to the functions mentioned above and specific to each phase, other activities will be carried out in parallel, such as the dynamization, monitoring and evolution of the Continuity Plan of the Digital Administration infrastructure services, Change Management, the support of the Redmine corporate tool, training for Amtega staff, advice on decision-making or management support activities, among others.
“This is a project of continuity over time in which our team has a differential value, such as knowing perfectly the processes and the actors involved. We provide a highly qualified strategic vision with expertise in the diversity of areas that a project of these characteristics can contribute”, has highlighted Víctor Fariña, Izertis Business Development Manager.