izertis oficina barcelona

Izertis inaugurates new headquarters in Catalonia to house one of its three largest international production centres

The technology consultancy firm Izertis has inaugurated a new office in Barcelona, where it has expanded and structured its business by moving to a new headquarters, making it the company's third largest in the world. The new space is located in Torre Pujades, one of the best known buildings in the @22 area, where the innovation district of Barcelona is concentrated.

The delegation in Catalonia is also one of the multinational's main production centres on the Iberian Peninsula. The relocation of the centre represents a significant improvement in the facilities, both in terms of location and size, and will enable the centre to absorb the growth planned for the coming years.

This space stands out for its excellent connection with public transport, which facilitates access both from the city and from other locations outside Barcelona.

The inauguration was attended by a delegation led by the president and CEO of Izertis, Pablo Martín, and was also attended by the Management Committee. Segor Teclesmayer, Chief of People and Culture, commented: "Catalonia is one of our most important centres of operations, so the expansion allows us to have a point of reference for our customers in the region. We also increased our space to accommodate more engineers and different specialists, which will allow us to continue our expansion".


Las oficinas, que ya están operativas, aglutinan personal experto en tecnologías como inteligencia artificial, Cloud, Salesforce, desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida o ciberseguridad, que responden a las necesidades de los clientes tanto locales como nacionales e internacionales.

Izertis cuenta en Cataluña con un gran número de clientes referentes en sus sectores, como banca, industria, farma o entidades públicas. Además, de las oficinas del territorio nacional, dispone de delegaciones en Estados Unidos, México, Colombia y Portugal, con más de 1.800 profesionales especialistas en tecnologías de vanguardia.