Institutional visit of the City council of Gijón and the municipal center of Companies to the central headquarters of Izertis
The mayor of Gijón Carmen Moriyón has visited this past Wednesday 4 April with Fernando Couto (Councillor for economic activity and urban development of the consistory Gijonian) and the manager of the Municipal center of Companies, Rubén Hidalgo, the facilities of Izertis, with the aim of knowing first hand the growth plan of Izertis and the digital transformation projects in which we are participating, among them, the design and manufacture of the first prototype of Bioimpression of Corneas in 3d, projects of Telemedicine or Smart Cities, among others.
During its passage through the different rooms, the Mayor Gijon who has been accompanied by the president of Izertis, Pablo Martín, the commercial director, Carlos Melendi and the director of the area of innovation and Digital transformation, Sheila Méndez, has had the opportunity to know the detail of the geographic expansion of Izertis, its evolution and the typology of its clients and projects, in addition to personally testing the glasses of mixed reality HOLOLENS of Microsoft on a hologram representing a human heart with its Different parts with which one could interact and even to see how it beats in front of atrial fibrillation and the advantages and benefits that its use contributes in a surgical simulation or in a formative activity.
During the visit we have commented on the challenges faced by the companies with the digital transformation and the changes in the business models that are already being produced. It also mentioned the difficulties in finding specialized profiles in the technological sector and the demographic problem that exists in Spain and especially in Asturias.
Izertis, participates together with the city of Gijón and drives companies in the technological development of the pilot project TuCycle, a very successful and widespread plan in much of Europe that has the purpose of promoting the use of shared bikes in a city Like Gijón. To begin with its use, a total of 150 bicycles and 36 stations will be made available to the citizen.
With regard to the current and future business objectives of Izertis, it is important to continue increasing its international presence through ambitious projects such as the one that will be developed in Zambia (Africa), the acquisition of companies and the opening of new offices In Europe and Latin America, as recently inaugurated in Portugal and Costa Rica.
Finally, among the outstanding plans that are expected to be met in the short and medium term are, continuing to maintain organic and inorganic growth, reach the barrier of the 100 million euro billing in the next 3 years doubling the turnover and the preparation of the output to the bag. Although for the latter, it will be necessary to consolidate even the strong process of growth in which the corporation is currently immersed, especially in sectors such as Telco & Media, utilities and the financial sector.
Means in which reference is made to the content of the visit
El Comercio
Izertis prevé duplicar su tamaño en tres años y alcanzar los cien millones de facturación
La Nueva España
Una firma gijonesa que prevé superar el millar de empleos crea córneas con impresoras 3D
Izertis planea duplicar su tamaño en tres años, facturar 100 millones y salir a Bolsa
Web Carmen Moriyón. Alcaldesa de Gijón
Visita de la alcaldesa del Ayuntamiento de Gijón a las oficinas de Izertis