Financing innovation in the industry

Imagen de un paisaje industrial, con texto 'Ayudas para la reindustrialización y la competitividad industrial' con logotipo de Izertis

Modalities of execution

Projects or actions carried out in the national territory in the following modalities:

  • Technology implementations related to "Industry 4.0"
  • Improvements and/or modifications of existing production lines
  • Expansion of production capacity
  • Creation of industrial establishments
  • Transfer

Recientemente se ha publicado una línea de ayudas dirigidas a aquellas empresas del sector industrial. Para poder acceder a este tipo de ayudas sus beneficiarios deben ser sociedades constituidas que no formen parte del sector público y que estén encuadradas en los CNAE's 10 a 32.

Characteristic of the Subsidies

  • Interest rate: between 1.575% and 4%.
  • Requirements: with the request for financing must be presented the provision of security for an amount equal to 10% of the loan requested.
  • Application deadline: from 05/30/17 to 07/17/17.