All about the event Industry 4.0 & Data Analytics Meeting
Last November 15th, Izertis and SAS held the event Industry 4.0 & Data Analytics Meeting at the BEC in Bilbao, which was sponsored by Cisco and Intel. During the day we talked about the main keys to carry out a real digital transformation plan and real experiences were presented of companies that have carried out successfully.
Pablo Martín, President of Izertis, began the day by welcoming all the attendees and giving way to the presentations.
Industry4Data – Smart data-based industry strategy
Miguel Ángel Acero, head of Digital transformation and Industry 4.0 of Izertis, said during his speech "Industry4Data – Strategy for an intelligent industry based on the data" that industry 4.0 is very marked by a global market in which Companies all over the world compete directly with each other. Therefore, in order to be competitive at the global level, we must accelerate the process of incorporation of advanced technological solutions to the day to day of the companies.

We are facing a process of transformation in which the technology is not only involved, but the changes have to be produced at the structural level in the company, starting with the management and following up to the entire workforce of the company. "This is a slow process that cannot be produced overnight, so the sooner we start this process of transformation into the 4.0 industry, the sooner we will be able to remain competitive and not get out of the market, which is the biggest risk We run", added the head of Digital transformation and Industry 4.0 of Izertis.
We have to be able to design a strategy in which we are clear in advance what our mission, vision and objectives we want to develop to launch a plan that will help us to improve our competitiveness. To achieve this, we must take into account three fundamental elements in the elaboration of the strategy: the systems, the whole technological infrastructure of the companies; People and partners, because we cannot work independently, but we have to interact with different collaborators to develop the projects successfully.
In order to achieve this competitive excellence, we need to be able to generate new business models, for which it is necessary to look for new ways with collaborators to advance faster and to launch innovative solutions in the shortest possible time. In this Camnino play a fundamental role the data. The sooner we are able to store data, the sooner we can make smart decisions anticipating to our competition.
Any transformation strategy has to be based on the data to be able to deal with process optimization, cost reduction and the generation of new experiences for our clients.
A key global solution in a Insdustria 4.0 strategy is the so-called Integrated command centers, which combine the technology, data, connectivity and processing capacity of these data and, with which from a remote position, we can monitor All the assets and all the activity that is occurring in any plant anywhere in the world.
One of the key elements and that will be a great advantage for the industrial environment, is the predictive maintenance, where you get a great value of the data generated by the industrial equipment through the IoT sensorization of all machines Our plant to make a prediction with which to increase productivity. The cost reduction involved in the start-up of this type of maintenance is really significant.
Another enabling technology to consider is Artificial intelligence, which we can also add two technologies that are impacting in the industrial field and clearly mark the future of the industry, such as the Blockchain, which provides a change of Paradigm in procedural control issues in industry and 5g networks, which make up the channel for real connectivity.
From the "Internet of things" to the "Intelligence of Things"
Luis Núñez, SAS'main Business Solution Manager, said during his lecture "The 'Internet of things' to the 'Intelligence of Things'" that the data is the greatest asset with which they work.

The data is fundamental because they are the center of obtaining these benefits. By having access to the data, you can apply predictive analytics to start making decisions in real time. Thanks to the technology you can approach the treatment of any type of data that we have or that we are able to generate in our day to day.
The data must be worked and prepared to make smart decisions with them. When we have the data ready, we go to the analytics, with which we develop models that are then transferred to production.
"We are beginning to introduce intelligence into the IoT, making it the 'intelligence of things' through the introduction of analytics, said SAS's chief Business Solution Manager. All this is done with streaming analytics solutions, which is to bring the analytics to real time. Instead of storing all the data, we will see which are the ones that interest us to select the ones to store and see if we can make decisions with them. This information can be enriched with external data from an ERP, with information from the machines, with data from the human resources area... All this can be incorporated into the flow in real time, in addition to executing analytical models for prediction and generation of business rules that you want to apply for real-time decision making. With all this information, the model is reworked to improve it and optimize it.
This analysis allows to start a predictive maintenance, to control the quality, to improve the performance of our assets, to have a direct connectivity with the client, measurement of the stock... are many cases of use that we can take into account and that we They lead to a quality process focused on the whole production process.
Expert Round Table Experiences

During the round table of experts, which was moderated by Sheila Méndez, director of digital transformation and innovation at Izertis, Javier Gonzalez, digital transformation in the Industry of Tubacex, said that "transformation is fundamental to progress, But to succeed, it is necessary to carry out a digitalization strategy plan that identifies and analyzes the strategies and projects needed to do so ".This is one of the key keys for Arturo Fernandez, Project Engineer at Petronor, who explained that there are three main challenges to face in a transformation plan:
- Identify the objectives
- Provide the human resources and infrastructure needed to address new capacities
- Perform an internal and cultural transformation in the company
The latter also referred to Javier Rodríguez, Director of Product Development and innovation at Euskaltel, who said that for the project to succeed, it is necessary to focus on people, and this is achieved by converting people into digital employees.
For Fernando Sánchez, SAS Sales Industry Manager, "The digital transformation is that the data is shared and that the insights are used for the whole company to get the best possible performance".
Networking and Showroom
The event concluded with a networking and a Showroom in which Izertis and SAS presented 4 live demonstrations:
- Agile Management Center: Izertis made a demonstration with this Integral center of Operations for the monitoring of assets (staircases, footbridges and elevators), that has capacity for the remote action on those assets
- Analytics "On the Edge" – Working with real sensor data: SAS showed real-time monitoring of data generated by a turbine's vibration sensors with SAS Event Stream processing and its advanced analytical application to predict the failure Of the machine using a SVDD analytical model
- Food chain: Izertis showed an application to ensure the traceability and quality of agri-food products in supply chains based on Blockchain
- Mixed reality for work orders in industrial environment: Izertis made a demonstration with HoloLens glasses for the follow up of work orders by an operator in an industrial environment

In short, for industrial companies to remain competitive, they have to make a leap towards industry 4.0 and make intelligent real-time decisions based on analyzing data that will serve to advance competition and improve processes, For which it is necessary to involve all the departments of the company.