Izertis joins the MetaIndustry4 cluster

Izertis becomes the new partner of the Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of the Metal Industry in Asturias, Metalindustry4.

Abstract image with drawings related to the industry, printed logos of Izertis and Femetal and text 'Cúster MetalIndustry4'

The Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of the Metal Industry of Asturias (METALINDUSTRY4), constitutes a new concept of a multidisciplinary character cluster, aligned with the Strategy of Intelligent Specialization of Asturias (RIS3) and fundamentally oriented to the companies and global value chains, related with the advanced manufacturing and digital transformation.

The main objective of Izertis and Metalindustry4 is the integration and the adoption of the Industry 4.0 concept in companies whose business model is developed within or linked to the industrial scope. The Industry 4.0 seeks to simplify, accelerate and reconvert this sector through the use of elements such as the Internet of Things (IoT), computing and cloud, big data and cybersecurity in an integrated way with the business strategy with the purpose of improving not only the productive capacity but also to integrate in this change of model to customers, suppliers and all those stakeholders or interest groups of the industrial company.

Izertis and Metalindustry4 through of this collaboration seek:

  • A better adaptation to demand in the industrial sector by combining flexibility and efficiency
  • A better customer service, anticipating your needs thanks to data analysis and the big data.
  • A greater collaborative innovation, ideation and technological improvement.
  • A better overall cooperation at the sectoral level
  • An evolution towards intelligent logistics.
  • Manage the response times of the entire value chain of the organizations of the industrial sector